Did you miss Smart Housing Småland at the World Exhibition in Dubai and Sweden Innovation Days? The links to the three interesting studio talks can be found below.
Or you could also visit the Smart Housing Småland YouTube channel here >
You can listen to different perspectives, take part in discussions about present and future challenges that affect the housing and living environments that we live in today, but above all those that we design and build in the coming years. The main focus is sustainability and quality of life. The conversations are in English.
Magnus Falk and Mikael Ludvigsson from Smart Housing Småland participate in the studio talks.
Sustainable Built Societies and a Future Housing Fair – Here you will find the webinar >
The studio conversations were based on Smart Housing Småland’s unique innovation environment consisting of actors from society, academia and creative companies in manufacturing and architecture. The theme was sustainable society building where the conditions for future housing fairs adapted for future housing must be included.
In the conversation, the housing project High6 was discussed, which involves the production of climate-optimized modules in a factory environment. In this way, the quality, and the opportunity to gradually, project by project, become sharper, minimize the climate impact, create slightly better living environments, and reduce the consumption of the resources of the planet.
The project involves several innovative sub projects such as movable walls, which create unique homes, adapted to the varying needs that modern housing often expresses. Another sub project involves virtual and augmented reality, and the entire living environment can be “tested”, everything from general room layout experiences to indoor daylight and acoustics.
– When we know that modern people also want to change their lifestyle to care more for the climate and environment, it feels very stimulating that we who design the homes also constantly work as “enablers” to bring innovations into the process, says Linda Camara, architect at Tengboms.
Guests: Joao Pereira and Linda Camara, Tengbom
The Innovation Window in a Process – Here you will find the webinar >
The discussion deals with sustainable living from an ecological perspective as well as economically and socially. In the introduction, we learn that in Sweden, more than 20 housing fairs have been organized in the last hundred years. Everyone has taken their starting point in the buildings, their design and how they should technically work.
In order to be able to handle the transition to a sustainable society, the focus must be shifted from the building to the people and the changed life patterns that are now emerging.
In the planned Housing Fair 2030, the perspectives based on the constant quest for people to move to cities are to an increasing extent broken down. Urbanization has been seen as a necessary part of a growth-oriented development. But when we go from the linear to the circular, new possibilities open up. New technology and changing life patterns are, in fact, enabling people to rediscover living in the countryside, in the community or in the village, close to and in harmony with nature and with a common desire to live sustainably.
All participants in the discussion stated that there is really no contradiction between city and country. The challenge is more about finding interesting synergy effects and how the exchange between city and countryside can enrich sustainable society building.
– It is ultimately about how modern, environmentally conscious people want to live their lives. We must make it possible to live sustainably and climate-smart even outside our urban environments. All investments so far have been unilaterally about the sustainable urban environment, and this is an approach that must be broken. Through Bymässa 2030, we want to show the possibilities and show the new perspectives, says Christel Gustafsson, Region Kronoberg.
Guests: Fredrik Lindblad, Växjö municipality, Christel Gustafsson, Region Kronoberg
Future of Sustainable Buildings and Societies – Here you will find the webinar >
Since its start in 2013, the Smart Housing Småland cluster has functioned as an arena for meetings and collaboration between house manufacturers, architects, and research, as well as contributing to an increased mutual understanding and developed collaboration. This in turn has led to success and has contributed to more buildings with a sustainable, modern wooden building technology and added value in the form of more climate-smart architecture completely in accordance with the New European Bauhaus motto: “Beautiful, Sustainable and Inclusive”.
There was a time when manufacturers saw the possibility of getting economy in production by increasing the pace, reducing lead times, and optimizing processes. Through increased collaboration with architects and, for example, climate researchers, it now looks different. It has become more important with aesthetics and to meet customers’ modern requirements for choices and quality of life.
In housing fairs in recent years, this development among house manufacturers has given the impression that “something has happened”. And in the upcoming housing fairs, it will be clear that “beautiful is sustainable”. Daylight, “the beautiful” and a good indoor environment are some of the key concepts.
– I have my background in the energy sector, and we can build extremely energy-efficient houses by using thick walls and small windows, but does anyone want to live in them – no. We must, of course, find a balance in the effort to achieve quality of life and at the same time enable a sustainable lifestyle and climatically acceptable buildings. Scientifically, it is difficult to handle the concept of beauty because it is subjective, attractiveness is perhaps more useful, says Ann-Charlotte Larsson, professor at Linnaeus University.
Guests: Niklas Andersson, Sizes, Linda Camara, Tengbom, Ann-Charlotte Larsson, Linnéuniversitetet