New European Bauhaus: the EU Commission is announcing the five selected projects for the ‘lighthouse demonstrators’
On May 4, 2022, the EU Commission is announcing the five selected projects for the €25 million call for the development of ‘lighthouse demonstrators‘ of the New European Bauhaus (NEB).
RISE and Smart Housing Småland’s Swedish collaborative project ALIWE (Attractive Living in Innovative and Inclusive Wood Environments) was well placed to become a pilot project for the EU initiative New European Bauhaus. Unfortunately, we were not selected as one of the five projects. However, the work with the process model and in the consortium has started and will continue.
Smart Housing Småland’s proposal contained many positive activities and perspectives, including good and long-term collaboration. The strength of being able to co-create is something we take with us when we continue the work of elevating the role of our industries in the transition to beautiful, sustainable, and inclusive living and living environments.
In the near future, SHS will invite in-depth talks with the consortium and new stakeholders to be able to deliver according to the ALIWE model. Continued talks will also be held during Almedalen Week on July 4 on site in Visby. There, Smart Housing Småland together with invited guests in eight different seminars will touch on the three perspectives in the New European Bauhaus: Beautiful, Sustainable and Together in different ways.
The five selected projects will receive funding of approximately €5 million each to implement their plans in 13 countries (Belgium, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Greece, Croatia, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Slovenia, Portugal, Norway, and Turkey). They will deal with topics such as building renovation, circularity, arts, cultural heritage, education, smart cities, urban and rural regeneration and more.
The five projects are:
- CULTUURCAMPUS (Cultuurcampus: a sustainable hub of arts, research, learning and community as catalyst)
- NEB-STAR (New European Bauhaus STAvangeR)
- NEBhourhoods (NEBhourhoods)
- DESIRE (Designing the Irresistible Circular Society)
- EHHUR (EYES HEARTS HANDS Urban Revolution)