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Innovations in Glass and Glass Technologies, sep 23-26

2018/09/23 - 2018/09/26

Innovations in Glass and Glass Technologies: Contributions to a Sustainable Society has three specific themes related to this main issue:

Innovative Glass Materials and Products for Intelligent Living
A variety of innovative glass and related materials have drastically changed our lifestyle through the use of light tubes, optical fibers, information displays, photovoltaic cells, and other innovations. To ensure sustainability and safety, further development of new, functional, and intelligent materials is essential. Through these developments, we will be able to access information more easily and utilize energy more efficiently. This theme focuses on the experimental and theoretical findings on new glasses and their varying functionalities including illumination, communication, energy storage and conversion, and biosensing. Reviews of the current status of innovations in glass materials belong to this category.

Innovative Processes and Technologies for Environments and Energy Saving
Over the last few decades, the implementation of innovative technologies (e.g., alternative heat sources, waste-heat recovery, and optimized furnace design enabled by process simulation) have helped to decrease overall energy consumption during the glass melting process. This has had a clear positive impact on the environment through reduced greenhouse gas emissions. However, the growing worldwide demand for glass products means that it is crucial to develop more sustainable glass manufacturing processes with minimal energy consumption. Therefore, in the 2018 ICG Annual Meeting, intensive sessions have been organized to focus on alternative glass-melting processes and technologies.

Innovative Glasses and Processes for Radioactive Waste Management
Radioactive waste treatment is a major issue in modern society. To remove this hazard from our environment, vitrification using glass is a crucial technology. A comprehensive research approach incorporating all facets of glass science and technology is vital to ensuring reliable encapsulation of radioactive waste in glass for geological periods of time. This session focuses on advanced science and technology in glass melting and evaluation of long-term glass durability for waste vitrification, including waste treatment of materials from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. A global exchange of knowledge on glass materials and processing for waste management is necessary for the safety of future generations.

Official language of the meetings and of related correspondence is English.


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