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Wood Summit Småland, 29-30 juni
2016/06/29 - 11:30 - 2016/06/30 - 13:30
The project WOOD 2016 deals with visions of a sustainable future, how will we live in the year 2100, but also with the tasks of today – the densification of urban areas, the importance of public spaces and how to revitalize shrinking communities.
Beneath you find the outlines for the summit. The fee for participating, including all meals and the dinner party is € 300 plus VAT (25 %). With more than one participant from an organization/firm we will offer special price. Please register before 23 June.
Linda Camara, Architect SAR/MSA, Office Manager Tengbom Kalmar and steering committee member of Smart Housing Småland will moderate the summit.
Program och anmälningsinformation för Wood Summit Småland hittar du här.