Sveriges innovationsriksdag

Skellefteå Skellefteå

Preliminärt datum för konferensen är 21-23 april, med förkonferens 21 april. Boka gärna in datumen i din kalender redan nu! I Skellefteå händer mycket spännande just nu – bland annat detta: Northvolt bygger Europas största batterifabrik I slutet av maj hålls norra Skandinaviens största spelevent, Nordsken. Bygget av Kulturhuset, det som ska bli världens högsta […]

BEYOND2020 – World Sustainable Built Environment Conference

Svenska mässan Göteborg

På konferensen BEYOND2020 har man ambitionen att skapa den saknade kopplingen mellan FN:s hållbarhetsmål och den byggda miljön. Man tänker korsa kunskapsgränser, dela kompetens på hög nivå och slå samman den, för att forma framtidens byggande. Program och anmälan hittar du på

Challenging Glass Conference

Ghent University Ghent

The upcoming Challenging Glass Conference, edition 7, is planned for 18 & 19 June 2020 at Ghent University, Belgium. This international conference aims at gathering world class designers, engineers and researchers on the architectural and structural use of glass. If you would like to present your work in glass at this conference, you are kindly […]


For the first time, Forum Wood Building Nordic will this year be held online. From 08:25 to 10:30 each morning, we aim to bring you presentations from leading actors within research, industry and architecture – all focused on wood as a building material.



This webinar explores the topic of the circular economy for wood used for construction. Wood, as a natural and renewable material has huge advantages for sustainability. But ensuring that wood comes from responsibly managed forests is only part of the picture. Renewable is not the same as infinite and with rising global demand for wood, it is becoming increasingly necessary to think beyond its first use. As well as caring where the wood came from, we need to care about where it goes next.



Due to COVID-19 virus concerns and as a part of our safety measures the WFS2020 will be replaced with WFS2020 webinar on November 2 and 3, 2020.


Webinarium: Click-In – ett nytt sätt att montera fönster

Digitalt seminarium

Minskad monteringstid av fönster och dörrar var målet för Click-In när de utvecklade sitt system. Det skulle dock visa sig att det fanns många fler fördelar med systemet. Tillverka i Trä bjuder in till ett webbinarium den 19/11 där Click-In själva kommer berätta mer om vilka andra fördelar deras system för att montera fönster & […]


Sustainable building with hempcrete

Digitalt seminarium

Digital meeting with two of the world’s foremost hempcrete builders: Laurent Mouly, Founder, LM Ingénieur and Christophe Lubert, Founder, LB Eco Habitat & Wall Up. Learn about how hempcrete can make your next building project more sustainable and why it is being chosen as one of the bio-based materials for the Olympic village in Paris […]
